The dictionary meaning of happiness is “a state of feeling joy and satisfaction.” Happiness is at the peak of many positive expressions such as happy, happy, happy, satisfied, lovely, and fun. And we are running for this happiness all our lives. Another interpretation of design that Fab Design believes in is “creating something that can make everyone happy.” We are accustomed to stereotypes and standards and live our lives unaware of discomfort or as if it is natural. Also, happiness can be childish not only from things, but also from the abundance of emotions and intellect. Creation is not simply producing, but leveraging the power of “creative” to reinterpret an environment that has been overlooked through observation and in-depth analysis. I believe that both the creator and the user should be able to be happy. do. Fab Design's corporate philosophy is to contribute to the happiness and development of humanity through this.
During the design development process, various idea generation methods and numerous tools and tools are used.Innovative concepts, formative features, and visual expressions derived from countless considerations and research are enjoyable and creative activities for designers who have trained and studied for a long time. However, design results that lack understanding of real possibilities such as mass production structure and market feasibility are just drawings. Our design projects are not just about art or ideas, but we also consider product quality and price competitiveness based on mass production. Additionally, we use close communication with customers and thorough research from the consumer's perspective as the most important tools in design development. We will be your sincere partner with the goal of substantially improving our customers' sales and productivity and doubling their design competitiveness.